
Get Involved

Academy Prep prides itself on the volunteer efforts of the community. We could not sustain our programs without volunteers. Annually, over 5,000 hours are volunteered by parents, corporations, non-profits, Trustees, community members, high school students, and graduates. If you would like to make a difference, here are some opportunities to explore:

Tutoring: Do you have experience tutoring or special patience to work with students on homework needs? The perfect fit for you may be in study hall. There are several study hall opportunities available Monday through Friday throughout the school day providing extra help in Mathematics, English, History, and Science.

Qualifications: Can commit one hour a week, must be 18 years of age.


Extracurricular Activities: Share your talent with students in chess, dance, music, art, golf, or karate. Academy Prep works with many community partnerships that teach life skills such as Fit Families for Life, The Lightning Foundation, First Tee, Enterprise Village, and The Links. Or perhaps you can design your own extracurricular activity!

Qualifications: Once or twice a week; experience in instruction, business or classroom management.

Field Trips: The students attend Saturday field trips once a month by grade. This is a great opportunity to be a chaperone; not only with Academy Prep students and families but also community partners. On occasion there are weekday field trips to community organizations like The Dali Museum and The Florida Holocaust Museum. We also welcome new and exciting Saturday field trip opportunities.

Qualifications: One Saturday a month (for regularly – scheduled trips); must be 18 years of age.




Special Events: If you have special skills or like to coordinate, one of the many events throughout the year may be the opportunity for you. Academy Prep hosts school picnics, plays, and celebrations. The Development Team also manages fundraising activities like golf tournaments and seeks administrative support.

Qualifications: Specific positions may require experience.

Other Volunteer Opportunities: Mentorship, classroom tutor, and lunch supervision.


To learn more please contact:

Mendy Kirsch | Community Relations Coordinator
mkirsch@academyprep.org | 727-322-0800 x2117


 ALL volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.


Volunteer Stories

Jessica T. Hooper

Volunteering for Academy Prep with sixth grade students in English class was a mutually beneficial experience. I like to think I made a difference with them, but I think it was reversed. They taught me more than I imagined and made a big difference in my life. I witnessed first-hand how the students learn and think. The teachers are also amazing and made a lasting impression.

Sarah Partin

I began volunteering at Academy Prep early in the school year. As I spent more time with the students, I learned about the service trip the 8th graders took to the Bahamas last year. I was so motivated by the fact that Academy Prep students are dedicated to giving back at such a young age, I decided to create a project called Building Across Borders to help raise funds to cover the cost of the trip. Despite the great amount of work this project has required, I am very dedicated because I know the students will retain a lifelong sense of purpose through serving others on this trip. I have been amazed at how helpful the staff and students have been through this process and am thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Academy Prep students.

Ryan Sloan

Volunteering at Academy Prep is both fun and rewarding. I think the empathy and compassion given to these children from everyone involved in this great program is truly commendable. The students are bright and a pleasure to work with. BB&T looks forward to continued involvement and watching these students make a positive impact in our community.